Available Markets
Available Markets
Call 770-809-1425 or email us to learn about our real estate site selection process.
Workout Anytime is actively pursuing new locations in select areas across the country and throughout the world. New open clubs in Costa Rica and Honduras with territories available in South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Mexico, and Canada.
Current Markets with Opportunities
Undeveloped Markets with Opportunities
Coming Soon
U.S. Domestic Markets
Workout Anytime is actively pursuing new locations in select areas across the United States.
International Markets

Costa Rica

We have clubs open in Honduras and Costa Rica and more on the way.
Real Estate
Find a Market near you
One of the most crucial steps in opening a Workout Anytime franchise is identifying and negotiating the real estate opportunity and our real estate team and broker network are here to help every step of the way. Our typical lease deals include 6-9 months of free rent and a generous tenant improvement package. We evaluate demographics with respect to population, income levels, and competition. Other key components are visibility, access, and parking. A member of our Franchise Support Team will approve each site in-person before lease signing. If you have any questions or would like more information on a specific territory, please contact us today. We look forward to the opportunity to work together!
Now, more than ever, people are putting greater emphasis on their personal health. While big box gyms are experiencing tremendous challenges, the high-value / low-cost fitness segment continues to thrive. Contact us today to learn more about the Workout Anytime franchise opportunity and why there is no better time than now to invest in a 24/7 gym franchise.
• Turnkey gym franchise investment
• Subscription-based franchise model with recurring revenue
• Your increased personal freedom when you work for yourself
• Our flexible concept makes us stand out from the competition